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Dynamic Sketch ref. for part definition


New member

I have several parts that use the same section (they are created via extrudes and protrusion sweeps). If I need to change the section I need to go back into all those parts and change the section manually.

Can I have the section saved as an external sketcher file and everytime I update that sketch, all those parts update as well?


I don't think there is any way to create an associative
link to an external *.sec. If, for some reason, you don't
want to create dependancies in an assembly you could put
the section(s) in UDF(s).
You can make a "sketch" datum curve and then have your individual feature sketches reference that - leaves you one sketch to update.
just make an assy (empty). create a sketch and save the assy. then add components in empty condition (or condition before your sketch based feature) and activate it. than make a sketch in part and use edge of assy sketch. make all parts like this. whenever you need a change, just change assy sketch and your all parts will update.

