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Edge display


New member
Hi There

Isanybody aware of a config option that will set shade display with edges preferably black edges?. Something similar to solid works

Many thanks


(the toon)

If you really want you can shade with edges VIEW -> Display settings -> Model display and tickWith edges under the Shade tab. option :

show_shaded_edges value yes

I don't think you can change the color (at least I was unable to find a option or setting)



View attachment 3977
You can have the edges in another color.

First apply one color with the "part" option.
Then another color using the "all surfaces" option
I tried to get black edges (just like SolidWorks) too, but was never able to do it.I'll try what ankarl suggested. But does this mean having to apply these settingsto every part individually, and use part colors in assemblies? Show us some more detail, ankarl.

Having to tweak every part is a nightmare, and I tend to leave colors alone until I get into an assembly.Since we like to use a lot of different colors, this is lame.Black edgesshould be the default setting, just like SolidWorks. Time to file a feature enhancement request. Please do so: perhaps they will listen if more people keep commenting on how their competitors do it better.
Changing the color by default : not possible. You could create a mapkey mindripper with the sequence color and apperance, all surfaces black apply ... I never understood in the first placewhy people use shown edges in solids
it makes it look so 'solidworksish'
Having the edges in the same color as the part doesn't work very well for lightly colored parts: the contrast between the part surfaces and it's edges is minimal, so the same problem develops as with parts that don't haver their edges highlighted: when the shading of two adjacent surface is similar, it's hard to distinguish the boundary between the surfaces. That's probaly why SolidWorks added this as a standard feature years ago, and one of the reasons why the graphics in SolidWorks are so superior to Pro/E. Perhaps if you used SolidWorks, you would appreciate the improved graphics.

I hate to show people images taken in Pro/E: they look so crappy compared to SolidWorks. Customers comment on the inferior image quality, especially if they are used to seeing stuff from SolidWorks.
Well, my suggestion is only a work-around to get something similar to SW and other cad packages. Somethingcould have been standard in Pro/E as well, they had it in Pro/Desktop.

If you use templates you can set up the colors in that part to show black edges.
Otherwise the mapkey option is a good suggestion from dojo.

Another thing is that the edges appear quite weak. Ihavent found any possibility to enhance them.
If anyone knows how to do it please post.
There used to be an hidden command in Mechanica to enhance edges that worked nice there.
dojo said:
I never understood in the first placewhy people use shown edges in solids
it makes it look so 'solidworksish'

and that's a bad thing?

it's really a matter of preference. Most Pro-E people don't get it because they never had it. Those of us who have used SW learned to like it. I first started on Pro and when I went to SW I didn't care for it because it just seemed weird. But, after I got used to it I began to realize that it was very useful to see where transitions and tangency edges exist and really learned to like it. Now that I"m back on Pro, it's just one of man things I miss from SW.

I'm not going to get dragged into a SW vs Pro war. As you say it's a matter of preference, unlike you I started in solidworks and changed over to Pro and never looked back. For what we do its better to quickly judge the surface connections and transitions without the edges shown, that's all I'm saying. But I do not agree that presentation pictures taken from pro are crappy. It's all about the way you present it im(humble)o .

Mindripper said:
Having the edges in the same color as the part doesn't work very well for lightly colored parts: the contrast between the part surfaces and it's edges is minimal, so the same problem develops as with parts that don't haver their edges highlighted: when the shading of two adjacent surface is similar, it's hard to distinguish the boundary between the surfaces. That's probaly why SolidWorks added this as a standard feature years ago, and one of the reasons why the graphics in SolidWorks are so superior to Pro/E. Perhaps if you used SolidWorks, you would appreciate the improved graphics.

I hate to show people images taken in Pro/E: they look so crappy compared to SolidWorks. Customers comment on the inferior image quality, especially if they are used to seeing stuff from SolidWorks.


Like dojo, I don't want to get dragged into a ProE v's Sw war (it gets a bit tiring after a while....

But the edge display thing in SW was one of the things that bugged me when I was last using it... I always ended up having to zoom in and out too much (and I know that it was a prohammy specific problem before I get blasted, but it just bugged). In the interest of fairness there are loads of things in ProE that bug me as well.

Re quality of images....take a look at some of the stuff that CPiotrowski has on this forum (especially the Mustang). I think most of your customers would be impressed with the image quality of those. Normally, most of the customers I deal with tend to be more interested in the design....

sanjeevkar1 said:
the best option i'll suggest is................ use SOLIDEDGE................

Now that's an intelligent remark !

I earn most of my living using ProE, but I prefer SE. Saves me at least 50% mouseclicks (and has other advantages that we won't get into).


