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Edit Definition missing in assy (WF2)


New member

I have recieved an assembly where if I right-click on the part list, there is no "Edit definition" in the popup menu. Thus I cannot reconstrain it.

I'm kind of befuddled. Any hint on what causes this and how to remedy it?

The assembly was supposedly imported as a STEP file by a colleague. Using Wildfire 2.0.
Why was it imported as a step file, is it a ProE assembly? If it is not a proe assembly you wont be able to edit definition on assembly constraints just as you cannot edit features on an imported part because there are no features in the model tree. If you imported in all of the parts in separatly you could re-assemble all of them with your own constraints
For u there is no definition u have defined in assembly ,so u cant edit any thing, only the things defined can be redifined
Oh, I see - the STEP assy did not have any definitions to edit, thus the "Edit definition" did not appear.

One would think there would be a "Create definition" command to use then (or better - that there would still be the "Edit definition"), but I suppose the programmers missed to anticipate this particular situation.

The assembly was initially created in Mechanical Desktop, and then given as a STEP to a colleague who gave it to me for a Pro/M shot. Thus the confusion.

Thanks for clearing things up, csusie and dibz!
STEP translation dumbs things down to where you cannot do much of anything but see the geometry in its position. Its not ProEs fault or Mechanical Desktops fault, its translating. The same situationwould happen if you brought the STEP file into ANY CAD software, you would not be able to change the assembly constraints.

