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Editing a part in an assembly

Texas Drafter

New member
i have a part that we build and then assemble and after assembly we machine a surface on one part to match the surface of the other. i still need to keep my original part model and drawing as the parts still have to be built that way but also need to be able to go in to the assembly and machine the surface to final dimensions and show that on the assembly drawing. how can i make this edit in the assembly without it effecting the part model.
You can make cuts to a part at the assembly level. In the assembly, go to the "3D Model" tab, select "Start 2D Sketch" and sketch on the surface to be machined, then "Extrude" to remove the material. We use this for a similar reason; a component sometimes needs to be supplied long, but must be shown in its finished size in the assembly.
the problem i keep having is it wont let me dimension off of any of the parts in the assembly. i can sketch the profile i need and dimension it but it wont allow me to place location dimensions from any parts or from planes or points. my sketch is just floating in space. how can i fix this?

