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Editing holes,assemblies, & features


New member
I am using WF 3.0 and am confused on how to edit definitions of certain features after their creation. Sometimes I cannot change a hole type after it is created. Recent instances of this are:

1) I have patterned a simple hole across a plate, and now I want to change that hole to be threaded using the create "standard hole" in the hole definition panel. For some reason it is shaded out and will not allow me to select it. it seems that I would have to delete the original hole and redefine it and the pattern. I have done this, but it is tedious and when in an assembly, extremely annoying because then the components which reference it would have to be redefined/redirected.

2) Since I cannot access the standard hole feature in the edit definition, I cannot put a angle in at the top in order to embed the screw in the hole.

In both of these cases how can I edit the hole feature and change the hole type from a plane-old-hole to a standard hole for screws and bolts?

I wish I could say this only happens with holes but there are other features that do this that I cannot remember now.

In assembly mode, if I assemble a component with either a mechanical connection or one of the other non user-defined (UD) connection types, I cannot figure out how to edit the definition and make easy changes as when I originally defined it. With the UD connections I can right click the component and make changes the same way as when I originally designed it...but with the other features I have not figured out how to do this. I want to use the mechanical features how there designed because they offer extra features that help me better visualize if it will work.

What can I do to edit mechanical or other non user defined conncetions? I have played a little with the edit references but have not been able to figure it out.

Thank you to whoever is able to help me with this.
as for the patterned holes, i have found that you have to "delete pattern" and then the hole is available to be changed from "simple" to "threaded". then have to re-create the pattern. This is definately not convenient but a lot better to me than starting over with a new hole. hope this helps
when i know i have 100 of components related to that hole feature. and still i have to change the plain hole to threaded hole. i reduce the diamter of hole, andadd new threaded hole with the referance of old holes's axis and then referance pattren....i know this is not the right way to work, when "PRO\E ETHICS" is concerned, but everything looks ok when a sword of time is hanging right above your head with a gap of few MM and tolerance of few Microns


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