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eDrawings 2013 viewer - Explode?


New member
Is there a way to explode assemblies in the eDrawings
2013 free viewer?

I create eDrawings files out of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
2.0(!) using an eDrawings publisher my company purchased
in 2008. I've never had problems viewing or exploding my
eASM files in viewers all the way through 2012, but it
seems that the "Explode" button is missing in the new
2013 viewer.

We are actually in the process of making the switch to
SolidWorks 2012, and I have just updated to 2013. None of
the assemblies I make in SW 2013 will explode in the
eDrawings 2013 viewer either.

Can anybody tell me if I'm just missing something, or is
this is a feature they removed between eDrawings 2012 &
2013? I sure hope not!


