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Efficient way to make a mapkey


New member
I had a need to make a mapkey for 7 first features->cord syst., 3 axes, 3 planes. The standard of my firm require such things and while creating the new model that is no problem. The start model includes that.

The problem is with model that was done long time ago.

So I create a mapkey, and it works(in most cases). But it takes too long while running.

Could anyone make such a mapkey or tell an efficient way to this.

I used a search tool to while suppresing, collecting necessary references!
You cannot insert anything before the first feature, so making a mapkey to create "the first 7 features" cannot work on a model already created.
well, You`re wrong, it can be done

let`s imagine You have three datums in the begining - first You suppress them all, second You create csys, third You resume all and put csys after first feature, fourth You reorder first feature behing Your csys!

So after all You inserted csys before first feature. Try!

The problem is if You want to makea mapkey only by recording this unique sequence, becouse next part could have 4 not 3 datums or only axes.

So I use search tool to suppress and reorder features but than the whole mapkey take too long
why u want to create mapkey for a long sequence?? why dont u work on more than one start parts??
as I said, my firm has established standard for all objects:models, asemblies, drawings. And this standard is valid for a two - three years. But it happens, and it happens often that there is a need to use models that are older and without this standards(missing layers, datums, parameters and so on). Almost all is done by modelcheck but not the 7 first datums that build this standard.

So there is a need to have such a mapkey.

I agree that Pro wont let you insert anything before the first featureBUT you can insert them right after the 1st feature. Then (in the model tree) you canmove/drag that first feature to a position right after the new datums.

I played around with it for a while and finally was able to make a mapkeythat seems toaccomplish your task.I have posted the file below. It creates a default coord sys and 3 dtm planes (dtm1, dtm2 and dtm3) first then puts an axis at the intersection of each pair of the new planes (dtm1 & dtm2) (dtm2 & dtm3) (dtm1 & dtm3). I dont know if this is the order you want or need or how it will be affected if a dtm name already exists but it works on my test part.

Iused deffor the mapkey and dflt dtm as itsdescription.Copy the mapkey to your file then rename it ifyou need toor want to then start a new session of Pro and pull up a part.

1st- in the model tree, move the "insert here" pointer to right after the first feature. 2nd- run the mapkey 3rd- move the 1st feature to right after the new datums 4th- move the pointer to the end. Let me know if works out.


I tried to add moving the 'insert here' pointer as part of the mapkey and was really surprised that it worked. However I tried it out on a couple of different parts and found the mapkey DID NOTWORK on them. It seems that different partshaving different numbers of featureswith different namesmake it so a mapkey probably wont work. It might be accomplished with Pro-program and almost certainly with a Pro-toolkit application butfor now, I have no experience using them to be able try. But its on my list of things to learn.
Edited by: t_spraker

