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EFX Utilization (Framework)


New member
This might sound rediculous, but I absolutely can't figure out how to use the EFX module of Pro/E. I've just started a new position and migrating from Solidworks, and I know that EFX would be a great tool for me to start my structural steel. PTC says that it's now native to Pro/E Wildfire 3.0, but I can't find ANY documentation on it, and can't even get the module started. If someone can help, I'd truly appreciate it.
in your file you need to have the option set:
protkdat set to the location of the protk.dat file in your EFX directory

1. you need to install EFX
2. you need to tell pro where EFX is by the above mention config option
3. Restart Pro and the EFX functionality should be there.

Once you have it running correctly, thereshould be a tutorial inside the EFX drop down menu.
Thanks so much for the help. Now I don't feel so foolish not being able to use a module that's "native" to the program. Thanks again,

Hello Crit,

if you send me personal E-mail to [email protected] then I can give you the link where you can download the training material for a basic trainingand for an advanced structural steel training. I would recommend to work through this before starting real projects.

What type of designs are you going to do, just welded frames or real huge stuff (bigger than truck size)?

I'm actually designing a bullet trap for starters, so I'll need to support a bunch of ballistic steel plate with sections that can be walked through a door. I expect I'll use a lot of channel, angle, and bolted connections which points me toward EFX being a great tool for me.

I went through the installation process and didn't see a separate EFX module to install, so where exactly can I go to add this "native module" (PTC's statement on the website)?

In case someone in the future happens across this, I've found a tutorial section on EFX (only for Wildfire 2.0, where it was an additional-cost addon) HERE

HERE is the data sheet stating that it's native to Pro/E, though I'm being told that it's not the same as included.

Edited by: Crit
You can find the installation software on PTC's website on the technical support page

There should be a link like download and order software updates. There should be a download for efx there.
Since they call it an EXTENSION I think it is still an extra cost module, just like AAX, etc. Native just means it uses the core geometry modeling capabilities of Pro/E.

It will be a cold day in H#LL when PTC start giving away functionality to existing customers.


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