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Embedded picture in drawing format


New member
We had created the drawing format with our company logo embedded in it. It was clearly visible in WF 5.0. But after upgrading to Creo 2.0, this picture has become invisible. However, it gets published in PDF / Tiff format. Is there any configuration setting to make this embedded object visible in the drawing?
Hi All,

I have a similar problem. How do I create a logo symbol when all I have is a BMP of the logo.

Once created how do I place the symbol into a table cell (title block of format).

I have placed the BMP directly onto the format sheet but it disappears once exported to DXF.

Thanks in advance.

My file was too large to attach at 139KB zipped.

Find it here.

Here are the steps I took.

1. Create a 3D Part file w/ datums.
2. View tab - Model Display pull down - Images - Add - (Select Front Plane) Browse for image.
3. Sketch on Front Plane. (Trace the image.)
4. Export as IGES.
5. Import into a 2D drawing. (LAYOUT-INSERT - IMPORT DRAWING/DATA)
(Scale as needed either by scaling 3D part or by scaling in the drawing (Sketch tab)).

6. Create a Draft Group of imported IGES data. (Sketch Tab)(Draft Group)(Create)(Drag window around imported data.)(Give it a name.)

Now when you select anywhere on the imported data all of the curves can be moved/scaled/deleted etc as a single unit.

Copy and paste into other documents as needed and scale it in the drawing as needed.
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