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emn & emp help


New member
Anybody know how to import emn and emp files into Proe, each time i import it will"Do you want to correct <Y06009_P3-MODULE> part geometry with Sketcher?when i check YES or NO, it will prompt me to modified before i could proceed.Before we upgradeto this versin allegro 15.7, it was alright all the while, but since then i could not open the 3D object anymore, anuone could help me ? i could sent you my emn & emp to open up, i m using Wiferfire 2.0.
Whenever I see this error it is generally a problem with the export file.First thing to do is to check that theAllegroexport filters are the same as you had with the previous version. It could also be that there isoverlapping geometry within the Allegro part (boundary lines on top of one another). Try filtering out pin holes, vias and all the complex stuff in the Allegro export. Doesthe board import inits most basic form (ie. outline) ?

Pro/E also allows you to filter out pinholes and vias on in the import dialogue.
The reason why Pro is asking you to correct the geometry whether you chose yes or no, is because the board outline has either overlapping or open geometry. As Kwillo said, if you filter out the vias that should help. I suggest to check with you PCB guys to see if there are and lines that are overlapping. You can send me the files if you like, PM me you email and I'll reply to it.

I createProe/E (WF3)models of PCBs, made from EDIF interface files (.emn, .emp) created from Mentor Graphics (Expedition PCB), on a daily basis. At a guess I get the Do you want to correct geometry? question about 50% of the time. I always answer no, and the translation always proceeds without any hitch.

Send me a sample set of your emn emp files and I'll try to load them for you, if you like.

