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End mill modeling


New member
Hello,I am a student in Greece and i am looking for advice for modeling a tool for endmill.What variables must see for the modeling?I will de grateful for any help
Thank you

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The parameters that I would use for modeling an endmill are the following:

Diameter of Tool
Overall Length of Tool
Length of cut
Number of Flutes
Angle of Helix
Centercutting or Non
End Relief Angle
Side Relief Angle
Set Screw Flat or Non
Shank Diameter if different from Diameter of Tool

I believe that the design could be done using only these numbers. It is possible, however, to design an endmill that is not possible to manufacture, or is too costly to manufacture in large numbers. Additionally, if the design is to be manufactured, factors such as material and grade, material to be cut, and edge condition would need to be taken into account.

I hope this helps your work,

Thank you guys for your help.I will notify for the results.

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I have a model of endmill. Give me your e-mail address. It's in the educational format. (It's a .5 inch double endfour flute endmill; you need to refine the taper between center diameter and the start of the cutter edges.)




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