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endless loop - failed references


New member
this could probably go in Rant and Rave but I figured it's actually a modelling related question and I'd really like to know if anybody knows a solution.

this has happened to me in the past so it's not necessarily unique to Creo 3.0. It doesn't happen often, fortunately.

I deleted a feature that had some children. no big deal. happens all the time. I suppressed all the failed children and then was going to fix each feature as necessary.

I got to the first feature and as usual, the references dialog box opens up showing me that a reference is missing. what's different this time is I can't actually do anything with it. I can't delete it. I can't replace it. etc. if I pick the failed reference, I'm given no options.

if I try to close the references box, I get the useful "you have outdated references" error.

this I know. but I'm trying to do anything to get back to my model. I can't close the references box nor can I delete or replace the failed reference.

I cannot pick new references. all I can do is highlight the existing references.

but doing so still doesn't ungray out any of the selections in the references box.

I can't close the reference box. I can't close the active Creo part window. my only action is to enter task manager and kill Creo.

anybody have a solution for such an event?

i will say that the failed feature has a mirror as the next feature in the tree. I know often times parent features of mirrored features have problems because you aren't allowed to pick new references and I usually don't like to use them but sometimes they're necessary. I'm sure the issue is related to the mirror but if Creo gets stuck in an endless loop without actually telling you anything what's the use?
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I haven't seen this in a looong time. It used to happen with some regularity, but still not what I'd call common. This was back around WF2 or so I'd guess.

At any rate, once you kill Creo adn go back in, do not go to redefine the feature, try to edit references instead. Replace the failed reference with a new one.

You may have trouble if the mirror feature is a dependent copy, if so then I think you'll have to delete the mirror, correct the feature and recreate the mirror.

This is the reason I despise dependent copied features and almost never use them.
The excact same thing just happened to me with Creo 3.0 as well.
I did not delete any feature but changed a feature which was had children. My part also had a mirror fuction in one of the children and I had to kill Creo via task manager just as you.
Tried again but this time I deleted the mirror first then made my changes as before and now I could update the references.
Seems like the mirror feature is the Devil here...
Maybe I should read the thread more clearly but if your having problems deleting something simply go into pro program and delete the feature that way.
My employer forbids us to mirror anything, at any time. It always comes back to haunt us, every time.
The excact same thing just happened to me with Creo 3.0 as well.
I did not delete any feature but changed a feature which was had children. My part also had a mirror fuction in one of the children and I had to kill Creo via task manager just as you.
View attachment 6815
Tried again but this time I deleted the mirror first then made my changes as before and now I could update the references.
Seems like the mirror feature is the Devil here...

