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Enforce usage of Publish Geometry and Component Interfaces in an assembly?


New member
Is it possible to enforce both the use of Publish Geometry to pass data in between models and Component Interfaces to assemble models to each other? I just realized that when I go into Reference Control for an assembly, ticking "Published Geometry" for "Geometry available for reference selection by other models" disallows the use of Component Interfaces and all other constraining methods as well (I imagine that this is because Publish Geometry references imply that you should explicitly escalate the reference upward in assembly and make the component interface there).

The ways I can imagine around it is leaving it unchecked for the large master assembly and constantly checking to see that each indvidual subassembly added has Publish and Component enforced; while I can start doing this transparently with start parts, this is a bit worrying to me given that we have some legacy models floating around that do not have the options ticked. I was hoping that setting both options in the master assembly would be kind of an easy / lazy way of doing this, heh.

