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Error in default_xhatch_spacing


New member
There's an option to set the angle and the spacing values default before you create a new xsection in the part:

In Release 20.0, the spacing and angle of cross-hatching in newly created planar and offset cross-sections can be controlled.

To control the display, set the number parameters "default_xhatch_spacing" and "default_xhatch_angle"
using the SETUP menu or the RELATIONS menu.

These two parameters are not predefined in Pro/ENGINEER. To create them, select #Setup, #Parameters, #Part, #Create, #Real_number and enter the parameter name and its value :

For example, enter "default_xhatch_spacing" and set it to 5; then enter "default_xhatch_angle" and set it to 30.
The parameter units is depending to length unit for the spacing and the angle units for the angle.

These parameters only affect new cross-sections.

This solutionworks only with the anglevalues, spacing values don't know why, but doesn't work in any proe versions.

Tried in:

proe 2001 2005030

proe wf2 m171

proe wf2 m250

any idea?


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