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error: round loses references?


New member
When I try to do the round shown in img below, I get the following message:

'Changes to either the current feature's geometry or to some other feature have
caused the references for user-defined transition (No. 1) to be lost.
The affected transitions must have their references redefined.
Redefine the TRANSITIONS element for the failed feature, and select the
Transitions indicated above for redefinition. Reselect lost references.'

Anyone know what this means?

View attachment 2245
Hi Dear

ur part seems to created in eductional version. Its cant open here.
yes I am a graduate student guess this must be the educational version in
lab here. well, any ideas anyway just from reading the error msg and
looking at pic?
Dear 2ms1

I looked at your file and think that the reason for failure is the confilct between the two rounds you have made at the other "end" and the round that you are trying to make now. Without too deep understanding just try to add an additional round value to your failing round, say of 0.1 at the "thin" end. This solved the problem in my case - and I was able to change the new round value from 0.1 to 2.0 and everything works out fine. Good luck.
Your round was made by using transitions but due to some modifications or alterations the round has lost its transition edges that were taken as reference earlier. So now u simply need to reselect those edges that you chosed earlier. For an extra hint, proe will highlight those edges in green color.


