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Error when saving


New member
I've had this particular issue with Solidworks 2006 SP0.0.

When i leave files on a shared folder open in solidworks and suspend my windows XP Profesional SP3, upon resuming and trying to save the file, i get the following error

"Connection was lost to file during this session. There may have been a network failure. Select OK in save as dialog to attempt to save to original name or chose a new name"

if i hit cancel once the save as dialog shows up and save again, there is no error. This error will continue to pop up until i quit solidworks and restart it and the problem will always reappear when i suspend/resume. Anyone else seeing this problem with solidworks or other programs? Any ideas on solutions?

Please, any ideas?
We get that here when the network goes down or has problems staying active. Has nothing to do with a certain program, just shows up better in SolidWorks. They have this nice little window that pops up saying "connection was lost ..."

Smoky Rick

