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Evalgraph & Trajpar


New member

I have a part which revolves around 360 deg, the depth is controlled

by a graph.

I can make the feature work using a basic graph (GRAPH1)but nothing more complex.

The attached model has three graphs included, the var sect sweep has a relation in the sketch "sd3 = evalgraph("GRAPH1", trajpar*360) "

If I change the relation to

sd3 = evalgraph("GRAPH2", trajpar*18)


sd3 = evalgraph("GRAPH3", trajpar*360)

The feature fails???

I know I'm doing something wrong with graphs 2 & 3 can anyone see what?


check these..

the graph value should not be ZERO.

For every x value the Y value should be UNIQUE (i.e. there should not be TWO values of Y for any value od X.
a zero value is okay if you are using that to drive a angle or a location .... but you can not have a zero length line, zero radius arc or zero dia. circle
Thanks for your input, I had vertical lines in the two failed graphs, everything is working now!

no problem...

a nice write up on graph

[url] am-profile-with-datum-graph-in-pro-e.html [/url]

a something you might like to listen to

you can draw up your graph then add in relations with parameters and math expressions for the values ofthe graph..
btw ... you can also use more than one graph

you can have one graph control one detail and another to control another detail in your vss's sketch.... as long as you do not create zero length lines rads & circles

I would think that you could have a graph for each "sd" value of the sketch, but I don't think you could apply 2 graphs to the same "sd" .. never tried that tho
I want to expand the idea misiek_wro put at front:

is it possible to create entities in sketcher from equations - sin chart or cos chart?

The qouestion could be asked what is this for?

Well, lets imagine following situation: - there is a curve from equation done in model tree. There is a need to made a graph which exact curve as mentioned. How this could be done?

or maybe it is possible to use curve from equation in the same manner as graph to to combine it with sketcher dimesnion in VSS or another feature.

I hope I introduce this problem as much clear as it is possible;)))
> is it possible to create entities in sketcher from equations

Curve by equation equivalent? Don't think so. (Bill's suggestion to
parametrically drive fit points; i.e. y as a function of x, may be worth
consideration but application will be pretty limited. Function fitted curves
with non-uniform curvature have non-uniform knot spans.)

> a graph which exact curve ... in VSS or another feature

I'm drawing a blank on 'another feature'. With a VSS isn't it as simple as
rewriting the parametric equation substituting "sdYY" for "y" and "trajpar" for
"t", or something along those lines?

If none of that seems like a solution, a more specific "what if" example might
trigger something else.
I am not geeting that. I do not understand Jeff the point You try to address. Can You introduce Your idea again?
Assume a VSS section dimension [sd3] that you want to define with
a Graph (curve by equation if it were possible) ...
x = t
y = cos(90 * t)^(2/5)
There's no need for the Graph because you can create the Sketcher
relation ...
sd3 = cos(90 * trajpar)^(2/5)
this has a sense:)

I gonna try that

what about the curve that comes from example from the shape or does not come from equation. Since there is no use edge in graph`s sketcher is there a way to combine(asscociative) such curve with graph or use it in the same maner?
I think Jeff is on the right track.

I created a graph using a spline... modify the points from a vb generated pts file and while the graph looks correct ... it don't like it in the vss.

Not sure if it's because it's overdefined.. I cut the num of points down, didn't seem to have much effect.. might not like that I have 2 csys in the graph.

Does makes some really odd surfaces..

not sure what you're really looking for ... you might get what you're looking for by saving a section .. then inserting that in your graph

I am curious as to what's making it behave oddly , but don't have the time right now to play with it anymore... later tonight perhaps.
yeah, I can do that - fetch external profile to sketcher, but then I miss an asociative connection between original one

ok, this all is just a discusion about graph tool
It doesn't seem to read the all the contol point of a spline... to evalgraph

and yes , same thing ... could bring in from a section.. but it lose the association.
helloo..i want to make a cam in pro-e. i am unable to understand the datum grapph..what does V,H,T mean? it similar to the displacement graph required to make a cam profile as expounded in theory of machines by khurmi...


