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exerting control over rounds


New member
What's the best way to limit a round to a section of edge rather than
having to round its full length?

I would really only like to round some of the edges around the
highlighted/red section shown below. However, I do not know how to
keep it from going and making a round around the entire part (as shown
in preview).

I tried using "add radius" to get the make the radius really small except
for in the areas I wanted it to be the full size, but adding just one radius
immediately made the whole thing not work (at least judging by the
preview shown below -- notice the yellow preview curves are gone):

Edited by: 2ms1

add some more radii, it works. try to move the radius points.

also, try normal to spine option instead of rolling ball. (many times it works, I actually do not know what is the difference betwwen the two) can some body explain this?
Edited by:

So you want the round to go along a section of the tangent chain, rather than the whole thing?

If so, make a new round feature, then instead of clicking the edge, click details under the sets menu and pick the edge you want to add a round to. Click ok.
Now the round should only run along that edge and not around the whole tangent chain.
if I understand everything right I ssume You can take an advantage of "Pieces" option

if not desired Switch to transition mode, Trnasition option, choose transition RMB > Stop at reference, choose vertex

hope it hepls
Click on the Details tab and if you do rule based you get more options to pick specific edge to reduce edges or complete loop to add more edges not tangent to original chain.

HERE IS THE TANGENT OPTION You are getting this with normal selection

THIS IS PARTIAL LOOP: Allows you to select a single edge like I've done or a
Start Edge "Anchor" and End Edge "Extent Reference" and use flip to change dir.


This selects all adjoining edges on Edge's neighboring face

With out the Rule Based option Standard would require picking each edge.
And I'm using WF4 it nerves me that in the selection process it requires picking each edge with CTRL key held down but You can't use the new Shift Select to highlight and pick a chain. If I start selling Ctrl Keys on Ebay I'd make a fortune off Wildfire users.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
Without reading the other posts, it sounds like you want to single select the references rather than chasing the round all the way along the tangent chain. So pick the first edge then hold shift and pick it again. This will throw you into one-by-one selection.

