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Exploded Views

After creating an exploded view of an assembly to add to a drawing and then unexploded the view to continue working, when I open the assembly later it always opens in the exploded state. I've unexploded the view and saved and it is still exploded next time I open the assembly. Is there a solution.

<DIV>Hi friend,</DIV>
<DIV>I've tried as you said. It didn't happen same ones!!!!. </DIV>
<DIV>Maybe you try to erase 'Not Displayed"</DIV>
<DIV>Good Luck</DIV>

There are a few posts on exactly this sort of thing.

Basically, to create an exploded view for a drawing you need to do the following....

Start View Manager, select the explode tab, select new. This will create a new exploded state (effectively very similar to creating an instance in a family table) that you can put into your drawing. When it comes to manipulation of the exploded state that you have created, take a look on this forum for some other threads (search for exploded view)..



