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Export to JPG without empty spaces


New member
when using zoom fit window, ProE does not use the full area.

After zoomingI export the partto a jpg(save a copy..jpg..), butthe output file has a lot of empty space.

Does somebody has a solution to this problem, it must be possible to automate it

View attachment 2394


Any CAD-system I know has this problem with "3D-fitting". The reason is that for the purpose of speed the software doesn't actually work with the full model but with a "bounding box" around it. A bounding box is the smallest rectangular container that will fit around the model (and other, often invisible items the soft wants to consider). In the case of assemblies it is a cluster of all the individual boxes. When fitting to screen the zoom is calculated to show the bounding box. When the model is irregular there can be quite some difference between model and bounding box. Which makes that humans have a different perception on fitting than CAD. And it's easy for us to do a second - manual - zoom, but I haven't seen this in CAD software though. Some image-processing programs - such as Photopaint - can do this quite easily, provided the model stands out against the background.

Edited by: AHA-D

Here is a response from PTC technical support about refitting a window:
Using the API ProWindowPanZoomMatrixSet and passing in an identity matrix as the matrix to set will refit the window. I tested this successfully on a part, assembly, drawing, and manufacturing model.
Or you can just call ProWindowRefit and this will refit the window based upon a bounding box like Alex has said. You may also optionally look up the function ProViewMatrixSet or ProViewRefit.

