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Exporting a .PRT file to a DWG.


New member
I've got an interesting request. I've spent the last 2 hours or so searching for the procedure to export a 3d .prt model to a .dwg file.

I must have found 100 tutorials on exporting a drawing to .dwg format, or importing a .dwg/.dxf INTO a sketch. However I've been posed hte challange to convert a part file to something that mechanical desktop can read and use.

Any help, or links, or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Dobrick
Pro/E will only write a 2D dwg file. What else can mechanical desktop read? You should be able to import iges, step or maybe acis (.sat).
Im pretty sure one of my suppliers uses mechanical desktop, he procues small prototype work for me. I only send him STEP files which I have created using WF2.0
iges.. if you have mech desktop which should have the iges translator

nice of them to remove that in the post 12versions of acad
Just occured to me an interesting solution.

Export the Iges from Pro/E, and into Mechanical Desktop, then OUT from Mech Desktop to .3DS format which our marketing department can use.

I'm testing now to see how feasible it is.

Thanks for the help fella's
yes thats ed zachary what I mean :D

As for an update on the thread. I got the jump from Pro-Mech desktop - 3DS file to work....However I have since found that exporting as a .obj will somewhat work for what they are wanting.

Thanks again for the help!
Pro/E can convert to a few facet rep types. See what the target program will import then load a part file and scan thru the save as types. Also search Help, Data Exchange for Tessellated.
1. In my Pro/E Wildfire 4.0, there is no option save as copy to DRW nor DWG. Anyone can answer?

2. My assemble and part are too large. It can not print directly. What act to smaller all the part and assemble?

3. I want to print all part in assemble and the size. Can anyone help to give me a clue?

Thank you.

