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Extend surfaces


New member
I have created a surface with "open ends". Now I need to extend the ends of the feature. When I highlight more than one edge, the "EXTEND" is not an option. When I select just one edge of the chain, "EXTEND" now is available. I do want to create an "extend" feature for each of the edges in the chain. Is there a way to select the entire chain and do just one "extend" feature? By the way, I am using Wildfire 1
Edited by: appinmi
You need to shift+click the surface edge chain to extend the surface. ProE seems to require that you do this so it knows the surfaces are connected.
Pick one curve segment.
Edit, Extend.
Hold Shift and hover over the picked segment.
When you see "One-by-One Chain" (screen or message) pick it again and, still holding Shift, build the chain.


Should say "pick one Edge segment", I guess.

You can pre-select One-by-One chains as above, but it's trickier to get into chain building mode for some reason (think once you start the Extend function Pro/E quits worrying about irrelevant objects and gets down to business at hand).
Edited by: jeff4136


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