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External copy geometry


New member
When we were using 2001 we had External copy geometry. Now that we switched to wildchild we can no longer find this funtion. Did it change names or did ptc rip us off for another funtion? If this is no longer in the software does anyone know how to do the same type ofthing. We make a casting then when it is done we use this funtion to do the machine part. We want the machined casting to change if we make a casting change.

The copy ext geom comes with the Advanced Assembly Extention (AAX) software that you will need to purchace for big $$$.

Thought I was set with the Foundation package but PTC has a different definition when they listed "Advanced Surfacing" in the feature list that comes with the software.
Weused to use 'Copy Geom From Another Model' all the time when I was running 2001 with a mold license (which includes the advanced assembly option).

What we do with WF2 requires no mold license... We now make a step file of the data we want to import and then I think it's 'insert - external data - from file' (I don't have ProE running but it's something like that). The solid data comes in as solid and the quilts come in as quilts.
Use FILE SAVE a COPY, and save the part as an IGES file. Hit OK. You need to create a cordinate system first for the orientationyou need when you import it into the Camscreen. You will then have an option to select the cordinate system for the exporting procedure. Check WIREFRAMEand SURFACES in the EXPORT IGES Manager and hit ok. You should be all set.

There are at least a couple of ways to copy geometry, independant and dependant, in WF Foundation. They all require the parent and child part to be in an assembly, to the best of my knowledge (all the dependant copies do, anyway). Cut & Paste Solid Surfaces, Insert / Shared Data / Merge, ...

Don't lose the assembly.
Curious why you say "Copy Geoms are flakey at best"? Truly flakey or run of the mill "I changed something and destroyed a reference" type issues?

How would casting / machining phases best be managed using a family table part? Open the Machining Instance and add features or suppress features in the Machining Instance?

Copy Geoms ARE flakey. With 2001 & WF2 they occasionally loose themselves and you have to redefine them for ProE to find them again. This is especially a problem on a part with up to 100 family table members that have to be redefined. This should not be happening since I am making the Copy Geom independant, but it occasionally does anyways.

Actually using family tables for as molded and as machined parts works well. As molded is the state you want to do a mold split with anyway. You add features to the machined part inthefamily table and you know how much machine stock is there and what is being machined. You can add another family table member for a second machining operation if need be and you know what you will hold on to and what you will machine.

I use family tables extensively for a series of parts all the time. I can regenerate the mold splits for various sizes of parts in the series automatically.

Second operations are another good use of family tables.
I've never personally seen a copy-geom feature flake-out without a reason (and I've seen a lot).

Also, keep in mind that setting a C.G. feature to independent is a simply temporary setting. Both Pro/E and Intralink will continue to track a C.G. feature's relationships for the rest of its life, no matter what the dependency is set to.

...wish there was a way to truly turn off the external references of a C.G. feature. Currently, the only workaround is to replace it with an import feature of the same geometry (re-route / replace refs / all children)

Edited by: Brian_Adkins
Thanks folks. It's nice to hear of circumstances and situations beyond my scope.

I can see where family tables would be a good solution.

I have never seen copied geometry wig out any more than any other (an occasional surface or curve trim that reverses the keep direction on regen for no apparent reason, that sorta stuff), but that's not to say ...


I did do some digging into dependancy and update of Copy Geom (Insert / Shared Data / Merge). For those that may not be familiar:

A dependant (Insert / Shared Data) Merge feature will reflect changes to the parent if retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts YES and the part is opened and regenerated. Otherwise (retrieve_..._parts NO), the assembly containing the parent and dependant part must be loaded and the dependant part regenerated.

An independant Merge feature will not load the parent (retrieve_..._parts YES) part when opened, nor will it reflect changes to the parent if regen'd in parent assembly. It can be redefined to make it dependant, regen'd to update, etc. without loading the parent assy (retrieve_... YES). The reason for maintaining the link to parent part even though independant?

Think I've got that right.


I have used Insert / Independant Geometry and Collapse Geometry to keep independant, static copies. Thought it might be useful where a fully independant "copy geom" is wanted but solid geometry cannot be Collapsed. Maybe given the right set of circumstances it could be useful.
BMD & Allot,

Thanks guys for the copy geom technique, it works great!

Saved my backside

I don't understand (or should I) whythat feature was not included in the Foundation package. For me it was like buying car and having to pay extra for the wheels to drive it home.

Thanks again


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