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Extrude Feature


New member
View attachment 4660Hi Everyone,

I'm an inexperienced pro/E user and need some help, Im trying to fill in a recess on a .prt.

I was hoping to sketch the recess that needs to be extruded but as the level I want to bring it up to is not flat, I'm unable to create a datum.

Does anybody have any advice on the best way to do this?



I have now added a .jpg

Edited by: DavidH
do you want to extrude "up to a surface"?

But yes... any pic or sketch to look at?

Problem is unclear.

Do you want to offset a datum from the sketch surface, and extrude up to that?

Or extrude to instersect with a curved surface?

Edited by: dakeb1
you can also use the remove tool(in edit menu). preselect surfaces you want to be removed and run that command.

Thanks for the replies,

I'm trying to fill all of the area in red (including the yellow area and deeper tablet shaped area) to the blue area but the blue area isn't flat.

I've tried selecting surface with edit remove but I get a troubleshooter window. I think this is because the part I'm modifying references a skeleton. Unfortunately the package I have doesn't allow me to update changes from the skeleton. This is why I think extrude is my only option.

I've also tried selecting the yellow surface, edit offset, replace surface feature, but I'm unable to then pick the blue surface. It only seems to allow me to pick datums at this stage.

Any help with this much appreciated.



Edited by: DavidH
*If this was a symmetrical rectangular part* in which on of the corners had a recess, as shown above, then you could copy the entire blue surface, trim it back to a center plane, & mirror it about that plane.

This would cover your recess with a surface which could be used to cut a solid extrude / used with other surfaces to cover the area.

Without the symmetry, and depending on how accurate the end result needs to be, you might need to rebuild the area of the blue surface that's missing - possibly using surfaces, boundary blends with tangency / curvature specified.
If you are able to mirror that upper surface as neuronex has suggested, you should be able to solidify the mirrored surface to fill the recess. If that doesn't work, you may need to copy the surfaces of the recess and the side walls, merge with the mirrored surface to create an enclosed quilt and then solidify that.

If the mirror doesn't work, you can copy that surface, trim it back to remove the round edges in the corner and then extend it to cover the recess. Then you should eb able to solidify it.
Hi All,

The recess has been filled by copying the blue surface, trimming through central datum & mirroring it. It then covered the recess - as suggested.

As it was symmetrical and completely covered the recess I was also able to then solidify it.

Many thanks to everyone for your help.



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