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Extrude - Side 2 depth options


New member
Why, in Creo 2.0, has PTC still not updated the extrusion side 2 selection such that you don't have to pick options first?

I can define my depth for side one right on the dashboard. But any time I want to go in the second direction, I must first select Options, and then pick my side 2 parameter. Even more of a P.I.T.A., is when you edit the definition of a part that has two side parameters selected. You still have to go into Options to even see what the second side parameter is?

If you can put the parameter for Side one right on the dashboard, why the eff can you not also put the side two option on the dashboard and just have it defaulted to none?

I'm not gonna start another PTC vs. SW debate, but SW has has this capability forever!
The guy that wrote that code has been eaten by a camel. No one else can figure out how it works so they are afraid to change it.
I just made a mapkey
dp2 DePth2 or
dh2 DeptH2 or
dd2 Depth Dir2
And record selecting option

You can even go as far to create 3 mapkeys for Extrusions and Extruded Cuts for D1 only D1&D2 or just D2 to save time but we're talking 1-2 seconds which is how long it may take to type the mapkey.

-I just had to add mapkey to my Firefox dictionary-

dr_gallup said:
The guy that wrote that code has been eaten by a camel.

"Look at our current situation with that Camel Fu--er over in Iraq"
Walter Sobchak - The Big Lebowski by the Coen Brothers (Joel & Ethan)


Edited by: mjcole_ptc

