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Extrude up to curve


New member
The simple "to selected" depth option of a ProE extrude claims to be able to select a curve as an option. I am unable to select a curve for that purpose when using the "to selected" option. Selecting a point, surface, or even a surface or plane driven through the curve might be suitable alternatives. I am just curious, and trying to see how to get this option to work as claimed...
I don't know for sure, having never tried it but "to selected" seems to be limited to planar offset terminations. I'd >guess< that if the curve is in a plane parallel to the section plane it would be a valid pick.

I should probably try before speculating.
"To selected" seems to be limited to a planar offset for a curve, that is a curvein a plane parallel to the sketching plane."To selected"will extrude tonon planar or non parallel surface.

Thanks for the tip.

