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Extruding with a solid or surface


New member
Is it possible to extrude with a solid or surface? I have a 3D
shape, specifically a pair of helical sweeps, that I need to use to
remove material along a linear path. Is this possible with WF2?

I was almost able to get the result I want using a helical sweep cut
and patterning it numerous times. However, this is far from an
elegant solution, as it is exceedingly difficult to attach to, round
the edges of, etc. the "jagged surfaces" it leaves.



View attachment 1650
Try creating youe "helical sweep" as a surface. Then create the linear cut using the edges of the surface. Then "hide" the surface.
I'm not trying this out but can't you make an extruded cut based on the first helical cut ? (while sketching go for 'sketch - edge - use' in the menu)

Don't know how it reacts on the contours of a helical cut, and setting the extent of the cut could also proove problematic.

Since the helical sweeps have a round cross section, there are no "edges" to use to create the linear cut. I removed the patterns, so that I was left with just the bottom helical sweep cuts. Then, I attempted to create a cut using the top surface as the sketching plane. In Hidden Line mode, I'm able to see the "edges" that I'd want to sketch, but I'm unable to select them.

The "edges" appear to be simple sine curves, so I could probably determine a function to describe the sketch lines. Then, it looks like I'd be able to cut down to the surface of the helical sweep and get what I need. Is it possible to describe a sketch with a mathmatical function?


