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fabrication/machining model drg


New member
how do i create a machining drg/model from a fabrication drg/model from a single assy/model(multi sheet drg one having fabrication and other machining)

ie. create a assembly of fabricated comps and then further machinining(2d cad system all relevant fab. required dims are shown in one sheet and in machining only the machined dims are shown)

This is what I follow.First I model the component in part mode.Then I do the machining operation in the asm that you can add the model in the drawing mode and give the dimensions accordingly.


Deepak Bhat

but in case of assemblies?eg. a pipe is welded to a cast flange and then flange is machined,i need a assmbly of above comps(as fabricated) as well as individual comp drgs placed in one sheet.andthen machining operation on the same assembly(as machined)in another sheet showing only the machining data(like in case of a single component, one single cstg. is used and further machining creates many children having diff. features)

I think you are considering two cases(one of asm and one of part).could it be possible to explain what you want considering single case(either asm or part).


Deepak Bhat

