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Facet surface _ for reflector product


New member

I have to deal with a hard situation for designing one sub_component of an assembly.

I need to create facet surface onto a specific surface of the part.

Here is the type of surface i need to create ( this photo comes from an igs file taken through a library from LightTools softare for light simulation)

and here is my part. The selected surface is the one that i need to make facets. Only that suface.

Any ideas how to do that ?

The only thing i have found is to save as shrinkwrap but this doesnt help me as i have no any part for later editing.

Any ideas for pattern or any other command!?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


It seems like you should just be able to copy the surface
and do some merging and patterning to achieve what you are
looking for.

What is the square cut-out in the center? Can that be
protruded after the facets?
I almost thought that nobody would post a reply! Thanx in advance for your feedback!

Yes , the square cut out can be protruded on later step. This part is necessary for assemblying parts.

How can i COPY this surface ? I suppose that you mean the polygonal surface shown at picture 1? (part file .prt , picture 2) file from picture 1)

As you can see they have different, opposite curvity. The one is parabolic BUT the other is not.

Even if it fits, how should I copy from the igs file the structure and how I merge on my part (even if there is not the cut - out feature?)

