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family table assembly


New member
I'm sure it's relatively easy (although with Pro E can one ever actually assume this?) but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

I have a part that has two instances in a family table. I want to create an assembly that then has several instances utilizing the two part instances (part instance A with associated hardware and part instance B with it's associated hardware). I can get components into the assembly family table but how do I get the part instances to activate in the family table?


Put the family table part (component)in to your assembly family table.

Type in the instance name in assembly family table. (Where Y/N is your choice from pulldown).

You can also do tools/replace by/family table while editing the family table. More picks but you don't have to remember the exact part name.

If you want the intances in the family table work, you have to make sure that the 2 instances of the part (A and B) aren't constraint to each other.

For example:

you have a assembly with 3 parts (A +C + D)

Part A :with 1instance B

PartC :no fam table

PartD :no fam table

In the asembly:

You constrain Part A to Part C

And part B to Part C

If you now set the fam table in the assembly like this:

part A Part B Part C Part D

assy_inst1 Y N&nbsp ; Y&nbsp ; D

Assy_inst2 N Y&nbsp ; N&nbsp ; Y

Because the partB is alsow constraint to C and teh Assy_inst2 you set is to N,

the part B isn't shown in the assy_inst2.

So make sure that the parts are constraint to datum planes en axis.

