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family table conflict won’ allow checkout


New member
I am using wildfire 2.0. WhenI attempt to check out a part with a large family table, I get a red "X" next to family table versions in the "objects to check out " portion of the check out window. Under that tab it says "Conflict detected" Is there a way to find out what the conflict is? IfI check out a previous version it says it's out of date (obviously) butI can't get to the conflicted version to fix it.

Any ideas??
One of our customers with PDMLink got a similar problem when they set up some part numbersin a family table but we supplied the models as individual parts.

The individual parts were checked in and didn't flag up any errors (not sure why), but when they tried to check out the generic model it failed the family table because it had non-unique part numbers.

They asked us to re-issue the parts with new numbers and restructure the assembly because they couldn't get into the model to fix the family table.
well I do not exactly understand Your problem, but in Pdmlink version below 8.0 Your are not allowed to check out entire family table if one of instances is already check out

so if You can not check out only one isntance YOu have to check out entire table instead

and if one instance is checked out or have status another than in Work, Yopu have a problem

or maybe on your workspace is placed the part with older iteration than the newest one in the server?

