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Family Table - is there any other solutii


New member
Hello to everyone

I want to discuss one important subject for me - Family table. First I
want to tell that I already know what it is - even more than know. The
case I want to discuss is find out if family tables could be replaced
by any other method?

I work in big company with big data base. There are plenty of small
pieces made in Family table(and that is ok), and a lot of models like
very complicated bodies(rough parts) which are made in FT. And it
hurts. Managing the number of insatnces are horrible(we have PDMlink).
The regenerating time of big assemblies which contain family tables
instances is an horror.

Is there any solution to make variants of the same model, easly and without FT?

thanks in advance

I know only oneway to create variantsizes of same model using inheritance feature but you have to create a new part for it based from the original one and i guess its not advicable cause it will use more disc space and time.

I agree with jayuy and markthemech there is no third options in creating variant constructions. I can give you only few tips about how to handle and speedup retrieving assembly with large number of instances, you must create instance accelerators, but be careful because of large number of instances disk usage will go up (depending on instance complexity one xpr file would have about 1 Mb). This will speed up retrieving time. To create acceleration files go to File > Instance operations > Acceleration options.
Hope it will help a Little bit
thanks guys


your suggestion with accelerating the time of retriving instances
sounds good to me, if You have any more details or examples of real use
of it - I will be greatfull

The point is, FT brings a lot of problems with managing the instances
and in data base. Specialy the removing parts from FT and making
them stand alone is in most cases is unreal - I mean , the part
can not have the same number as an istance.

I heard about complex assembly solution, but I am not realy convinced to that.

Using a pro/program containing IF and END IF will create variants in the model.But it will not create more than 1 model.

You can give condition and save as a deperate file.

Also, If you want to auotmate this generation of various model variants, Pro/Tool kit has a solution.

Even you can generate a family table in pro/Tool kit.

It all depends how complex and how many instances you have in your company.

We have to analsyse case by case.

Hope this helps

