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family table to parts


New member
hi guys,

which is an easiest way to make many same parts (different ONLY in one parameter value) WITH drawings but without using family tables.

If i use family table there is only one drawing but i need one per each instance

using intralink 3.4, pro/E wf2

Edited by: waltter
Yes an it is very fast to make a drawing for the next instance. Just copy the drawing and change the model, and you are finish
agree with family table but what i'll do is

use save a copy option

keep the name of drawing and part same. make one drawing

save the part with new name, drawing is autometically created with that namejust modify the dimension in part.......... and do as many copy you want
to sanjeevkar1:
yes this is what i did, but its realy annoying do this more then 5 times

to dr_gallup:
well i would probably use FT but company standards are against me

so i was looking for any possible script or batch file, etc... but after ctrl+s
in pro/i there's no "compile script" tab (only record and play) so maybe i've got no rights make script for annoying duplicating

Edited by: waltter
You can create the family table, create the drawings, delete the family table (must have all drawings in memory), save the drawings. They are now all stand alone.
to dr_gallup

thanx a lot, nice trick works well

just one question:

is there a way to automate creating drawings of every FT instance according to generic drawing?

i made a mapkey to replace a model in drawing by instance and save as copy that drawing, but would be usefull to do it automatic and using name of instance as a drawing name...

Edited by: waltter


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