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family table values


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<DIV style="PADDING-LEFT: 6px"><A name=msg_60574d207a6037e2></A>Hi,
Pl. let me know how to change the family table values.
One simple rectangular part is created with 3 dimensions and 4 instances and created the drawing for the part. One lay out created and declared to the part.
The 3 dimensions are defined in the layout.

My requirment isinstanace's dims are to be modified based on these 3 layout dimesions.
1.prt - L=72.2,W=2.5,D =2.25-(L should bechanged from layout A=72/96/120)
2.prt - L=16.8, W=2.5, D=2.25-(L should bechanged from layout H=17.5/22.5)
3.prt - L=1.5,W=29.8,D =2.25-(Wshould bechanged from layout B=30/22/11)
4.prt - L=3, W=29.8,D =2.25-(Wshould bechanged from layout B=30/22/11)
Layout dims -A=72, B=30, H =17.5 ( these dims need to use min.20 parts
- catalog dims)
Pl. let me know any relations are pro-program can be used to modifiy
the family table values.

If we change the layout values, modelhas to generate and the drawing should be updated.

It sounds like instead of using Part Family Tables, you want to use Parameter Tables in Layout mode. Here's a general process:

1. In the Layout choose Tools > Parameters and create parameters for Length, Width, Depth, etc.

2. In the Parameters dialog box, select Parameters > Param Table and use the menu manager to Add Param for Length, Width, Depth, etc.

3. In the menu manager use Edit to bring up the Pro/Table dialog box and add the various instances and values.

4. In the menu manager use Apply Set to choose the appropriate instance.

5. Open the part and use File > Declare to declare the part to the layout.

6. Use Tools > Relations to write relations between your part dimensions and the layout parameters.

Now whenever you change the layout, all you have to do is regenerate the part and the values will update.

That said, if you just have one part with different configurations, you should probably use Part Family Tables as Zaki suggested. The idea behind Layout Parameter Sets is to control individual dimensions from multiple parts, e.g., the diameter of a hole in part 1, the diameter of a shaft in part 2, the length of part 3, etc., without having to create an Assembly Family Table (which in some cases could be more complicated because you would have to create individual Family Tables in each component for all the dimensions you would want to change, and then create an Assembly Family Table in which the components are the various columns).

