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Family Tables and BOM’s


New member
I just completed a family table for common socket head cap screw sizes. I use various sizes and lengths in a number of sub-assemblies. Now I need to create drawings of the sub-assemblies with BOM's. Problem is, I need to show the part number of specific bolt sizes within eachsub-assembly. How do I set up the family table for the generic bolt so that each instance can be displayed with a unique part number in the BOM?
Hey hammerpe,

I tried adding a new parameter for the generic bolt called "part_no", but the problem is every instance of the generic winds up with the same value. For example, if I enter"123" as the part number for a 1/4-20 bolt, "123" also shows up inevery other instance of the bolt. Is there a way to add a column in my family tablecalled "part number" so I can manually add apart number or a description?


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