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FAQ about pro-e at the time of interview


New member

Can you please post FAQ about pro-e in interview, Because iam about attend some interview and i want to be well prepared

It really depends on the job descriptions such as sheetmetal, industrial design, or hardcore solid design. For Solid Design, I recommend as follows:
<ul>[*]First of all, mention that you're a Veteran at MCADCENTRAL!
[*]Copy Geom (is the BIG one), such as surfaces and axis copy
[*]Coordinate system manipulation and creation, e.g. for CAM purposes
[*]Use Inheritance (suppress unwanted features), avoid using the original copy
[*]Design in Assembly mode (Activate and Redefine) -- Skeleton and Top Down Design[*]Collision detection for massive assembly
[*]Auto BOM and Balloons (accuracy)
[*]Parameters control (for repeated text and numbers)[*]Relations (control critical dimensions)[*]Know how to add analysis in 3D notes for checking approval
[*]Cross section view using offset[*]Layers controls (big mess, but calm them down by using Simplified Rep)
[*]Family table (big time saving but some companies prohibit it)[*]Know how to search for specific features using names and ID filter
[*]GD&T knowledge is a big Plus! There are maybe 5 main symbols to use repeatedly, the rest is just the supplements.
[*]Animation export to MPEG for field demo.
[*]PDMLink and Intralink (same stuff, just different Oracle databases) such as Save-As, Delete, Check-in, Check-out, Keep Checked-out, revision analysis, use of Purge Pro.
[*]ProjectLink is a Big Plus![*]And finally, do some simple FEA using Pro/Mechanica

Thanks for the response and the questionTRILLICOMM and as for ur first point iam being VETERAN so tell me being a veteran cant we ask the questions, Hey i have knowledge of pro-e its just the type of question these guy's aske me at the time of interview i need because i havent given any interview on pro-e from last 2 years so thats the reason, as u know the question keeps on changing so i just wanted to know thelatest trend thats all !!.

Anyway thanks again!!!!
At my last interview they asked to "prove" knowledge of Solid Edge and ProE. So for ProE they gave me a seat at the desk of guy running it on a laptop. It was WF2 and I had been working in 2001 for2 years, with only WF2 to try when we didin't have anything else to do. Anyway, I had to construct a rectangular block. As soon as I began constraining it to be symmetrical about the main datum planes I was considered professional ...

In a sense it was a not a test at all, but still it showed something about using the software. And to be honest, if I would see someone construct a protrusion in "mid-air" I wouldn't feel comfortable for the future.

(I had to to some features and assembly afterwards, but this wasn't about extreme knowledge but general way of working).

Edited by: AHA-D

