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FEM in ANSYS and through mechanica

Olivier Mvudi

New member
Good day all!
I would like to know the easiest way to do the post processing (or solving a model) in Nastran and/or ANSYS using the FEM option of Pro/mechanica.I have got ANSYS 10.0 and Pro/mechanica wildifire 4.0 ,but i am still struggling to solve my model in ANSYS with my mesh created in Pro/mechanica FEM mode.Is there anybody with some ideas about ,or tutorial.The same for Nastran,please.

Thanks in advance.


Olivier Mvudi
It depends on the quality of your mesh. Make sure that you have a proper mesh in mechanica.

There are different ways of doing it. I think you can link directly to the ansys solver. I've always just saved the mesh to a ansys file. (mesh.ans) I think you also get different types of fuctionality with different mechanica licenses. What exactly do you want to take to ansys. just the mesh? what license of mechanica do you have?
Hi Banjam!

I have got the full package of mechanica.I have got the meshing,loads and constraints in mechanica-FEM mode,i would like just to use ANSYS for the post-processing "to solve".Can you help me with that please.


Olivier Mvudi
Hello Olivier Mvudi,
I got mechanica but I am not able to run the analysis.
I found out on some website that I have to configure environment variable MM_C_HOME to read the c++ compilor.

Could you please let me know how you configure the MM_C_HOME and which C++ complier you have.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


