Olivier Mvudi
New member
Good day all!
I would like to know the easiest way to do the post processing (or solving a model) in Nastran and/or ANSYS using the FEM option of Pro/mechanica.I have got ANSYS 10.0 and Pro/mechanica wildifire 4.0 ,but i am still struggling to solve my model in ANSYS with my mesh created in Pro/mechanica FEM mode.Is there anybody with some ideas about ,or tutorial.The same for Nastran,please.
Thanks in advance.
Olivier Mvudi
I would like to know the easiest way to do the post processing (or solving a model) in Nastran and/or ANSYS using the FEM option of Pro/mechanica.I have got ANSYS 10.0 and Pro/mechanica wildifire 4.0 ,but i am still struggling to solve my model in ANSYS with my mesh created in Pro/mechanica FEM mode.Is there anybody with some ideas about ,or tutorial.The same for Nastran,please.
Thanks in advance.
Olivier Mvudi