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Field of view, driver/operator


New member
I am working on a vehicle, and I would like to get a map of what the driver can see.

This would be analogous to replacing theoperatorshead with a light bulb, and projecting the light on to a plane at a given distanceoutside ofthe vehicle.

I hope this makes sense, it is not that easy to discribe.

I have not tried this but here is a suggestion. Create a boundry surface or surfaces from the edges of things that block the operators view to a point at the center of the operators head. Then extend this surface out to the plane. (Or past the plane, then cut it at the plane).
The only thing I can think of is to have a vehicle with no windows and go into photorender and place the light at the coordinates where the drivers head would be. Even so, you could not measure the angle of the light dispersion. I don' t think Pro has the capability to give you what you are looking for.
Ahhhhh, the lightbulb came on. You would only be able to give the angles where the cross section was cut. You would have to cut different cross sections at angles from the drivers perspective. Human perception is limited to approx 1xx degrees. I don't have this answer off hand, but a search for "peripheral vision for humans" would come up with answer. Add points representing the right and left eye. If you make a sketch at the eyes view point normal to the top (DTM2), you could create datum curves to show what can be viewed if if the eyes were facing forward. The curves up to 90 degrees clockwise/counterclockwise would give you the periphial view excluding obstacles in the way. If the eyes were facing 10 degrees downward, you could create datum curves on a plane at 10 degrees. I think this would be a valid synopsis? Perhaps a vision specialist could correct me :). Heck, who knows, 5 beers and my vision needs some correcting :))

Edited by: donha

