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file format for pro/program


New member

i m trying to play around with pro/program

when i execute pro/program

i ve 3 option enter/current value/file

for the file option which format should i use (i ven't found anything on it)
Use a simple text format (that opens in Notepad for example)

Remember to enter the complete file name including the extension otherwise it wont read (test.txt or full path, c:\temp\test.txt, if the file isnt in your working dir)

i ve found at least the format is a pls or als file depending if it is a part or an assembly

this file is the program generated by pro-e

True, the program listing is named .pls or .als but it is still a plain text file format.
That filenormally exists only when editing your program and is deleted when incorporating your changes (if made succesfully without errors in the program).

Heres a simple parameter file that Pro/Program can read, it contains number, string and yes/no parameters (to define a spring):

