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File opening as READ ONLY

New member
Hello Friends,

I am little frustrated over this matter.
Whenever i open an assembly file, it will be normal. but if i try to open the component file inside that assembly, it will open as read only file and i cant edit it.

Please help me out on this.
And also references are not being shown to any of the 3D model...

If you get a return of read only, it will mean that the part is open by another user, or you have had a crash while the file was open and the lock file for the part still exists in the folder, without solidworks running and no other user, using the filesgo to the file locations and look for a ghosted files that start with ~$ and delete them.

When you open a solidworks part this type of file is created to stop other users from editing the part while you are using them, if the parts are not closed corectly as in a crash they will stop you opening them even if you were the last user.

hope this helps
Hi Paul..

Thanks for the help.
I couldn't find any ghost files of it.
Still i am facing the same problem.
i am the lone user of this software in our company.

If you are using windows 7 these may be hidden from you, you may have to goto control panel / folder options, View tab check the option for show hidden files,folders, and drives, this should make them visible for you to delete them.

if you are the lone user you may have had a crash or a loss of network which has caused these lock files to stay active.

good luck.
Itoo have the same problem as Guru. I have tried everything i can, plus everthing in this current thread.

There are times when i went into the file properties and each one is listed as read only. So... I would change it and still have the same problem. Worse yet the files return to read only status automatically. So i am right back where i started from as soon as the command has finished processing.

So to make a long story short:

1.) Removing the lock files; Not working

2.) Changing the read only status of each file is also not working.

3.) I am the power user on this PC and have all rights.

4.) I have the file system turned on to Expert mode, which allows me to see all hidden files.

5.) I am using Solidworks 2011 sp2 on a VISTA os.

Could my system administrator be doing something behind the scenes? He claims he is not.
You may also want to check your system options.

Under system option, external reference, there is an option to open referenced documents with read only access.

As far as not seing the components in the feature manager, I am baffled.
The option;

Open referenced documents with Read-Only access.

Yes that is already unchecked. Is there anything with PDMWorks that could be causing it?
Paul4865 said:

If you are using windows 7 these may be hidden from
you, you may have to goto control panel / folder options,
View tab check the option for show hidden files,folders,
and drives, this should make them visible for you to
delete them.

if you are the lone user you may have had a crash or a
loss of network which has caused these lock files to stay

good luck.

Hi Paul,

i have already tried this method, but nothing changed.
Guru, I tried turning off the PDM system "PDMWorks". Then open the file again that previously was a read only file. This time it did not open as read only. It may have something to do with a lock that PDM is placing on the file? The offending file was one that was checked into the vault using the bulk check in command. Let me know if you have a PDM system and what software it is.
If you both cannot find the lock files to delete, solidworks will create a recover which is usually local on your machine, the backup location is driven in the options, check this location for the lock files to the parts you are having problems with.

if your files are remote ona server, you will need to reboot the server this usualy clears these files, we have multiple users and our tool box parts are shared, if one user has a crash, even he cannot access parts and assemblies without this serverreboot, the same goes for your machine, a power cycle should clear the RAM

(stystem options, backup/Recover Auto-recover folder: C:\users\xxxx\AppData\TempsSWbackupDirectroy\swxauto

if that dont work put on the fish costumes hand out the vasaline and an extra rashon of rum for the men that ort to do it. good luck!
I just discovered PDMWorks has two settings in the vault admin that controls the read/write attribute of SolidWorks files on the network (files outside the vault but also inside the vault). Discovering this setting is what fixed my problem. Now I either turn off the add in for SolidWorks PDMWorks to start work on the file or take ownership of the files in the vault before starting work them. I would imagine this to be a standard setting among all vault software. Key to success in this scenario is understanding the following settings in complete detail.

from PDMWorks help below explaining the function.

Starting at PDMWorks 2005, ownership in SolidWorks Workgroup PDM is bound to read/write access in SolidWorks.

VaultAdmin Vault Settings options:
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: disc" =disc>
<LI =kadov-p>
Set filesystem read-only attribute if not owner.
<LI =kadov-p>
Bind ownership to SolidWorks read-write/read-only access. </LI>[/list]

When Bind ownership to SolidWorks read-write/read-only access is selected:
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: disc" =disc>
<LI =kadov-p>

Ownership and read/write access are bound as follows. If you:
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: circle" =circle>
<LI =kadov-p>

Take ownership in Workgroup PDM, you have read/write access in SolidWorks.
<LI =kadov-p>

Take write access in SolidWorks, you have ownership in Workgroup PDM. (If another user has ownership, you are not allowed to take write access.)
<LI =kadov-p>

Release ownership in Workgroup PDM, you have read-only access in SolidWorks.
<LI =kadov-p>

Make a document read-only in SolidWorks, ownership is released in Workgroup PDM.</LI>[/list]
<LI =kadov-p>
Set filesystem read-only attribute if not owner cannot set the system read-only attribute for SolidWorks files because doing so would interfere with binding ownership.
<LI =kadov-p>
Options become visible in SolidWorks Tools, Options, System Options, Collaboration:
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: circle" =circle>
<LI =kadov-p>
Don't prompt to save read-only top level documents (discard changes).
<LI =kadov-p>
Don't prompt to save read-only referenced documents (discard changes). This option is also available under Tools, Options, System Options, External References. A setting in one place is reflected in the other.</LI>[/list]</LI>[/list]
A message appears offering to set the options when you log in if Bind ownership is selected and the two options are not selected.
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: disc" =disc>
<LI =kadov-p>
In the SolidWorks Reload dialog box, you can choose to reload from the Vault or from disk. The dialog box shows if documents have been modified.</LI>[/list]

When Bind ownership to SolidWorks read-write/read-only access is cleared:
<UL style="LIST-STYLE-: disc" =disc>
<LI =kadov-p>
Workgroup PDM ownership is not bound to SolidWorks read/write access.
<LI =kadov-p>
Set filesystem read-only attribute if not owner can set the system read-only attribute for all documents.</LI>[/list]

