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File size of the assy.


New member
Hi all,

What will happen to file size of the assy, if we suppress some components inside?

Actually i supress some Harness in an assy & i saw that the file size is increasing.. why?.

Any thoughts guys.

The assembly file size will probably not change that much by suppressing components, since the assembly doesn't contain the components themselves, but information on which components should be located where.
You can supress the features in each of the components to reduce the overall files size of the components.
Think of it like this.

A CAD file is more-or-less data made up of these three things:

1. Geometry definition - a list of subroutines and associated values and the glue that ties them all together.
2. Display information - how to get it to the screen.
3. Overhead - parameters, notes, annotations, layer info, what is turned on and off etc.

An assembly really only takes information for 1 & 2 from the part files. It has a lot of 3 in it. Turning parts off in an assembly is one more thing the assembly has to "remember" and that means added information.

Suppressing all of the features in a part eliminates most of item 2 which can be significant, as well as items from 3 where applicable.

Hope this helps.

