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Fill a shelled part

Anyone know of a way to fill a shelled part?

I'm trying to create a new part from an existing part with .005" offset on all surfaces.
So I created a shell with .005" offset, now I need to fill the part with solild.

Any good ideas?

Hi Charles

This could be one of the methods:

1. Publish the insternal surfaces of the shelled part.

2. Insert these published surfaces as an external reference in a new part.

3. Solidify the surfaces (you may need to fill any openings and merge with the published geometry)


Edited by: anand_m_s
maybe "offset - expand feature " ?

If you want a connection between the 2 parts, then create a new part and retrive all the solid surfs (from part1) using "copy geometry"and then solidfy.

For making it 0.005 "bigger" , copyall the outside surfs in your new part , using copy/paste (use "solid surf"option ) , then "offset-expand feature"... , i just tried it and it works here.. but i think that it depends on the geometry. But...on the other hand..if you can offset the surf, then you probably can expand it.

(no need for solidfy in that case)

OR ...when you have your imported surf,just offset it and solidifythe offset surf instead...and..your done.

If you dont need any connection, then just do the offset-expand procedure direct on your part...

Edited by: tobbo
I guess the logical question is do you have a closed quilt to work with? if your shell produced a part of the correct size, can you then copy all the surfaces with seed and boundary, as mentioned earlier, and then solidify the resulting quilt?

or do you actually mean that you want to remove the area that is now a shelled area as if filling in the part back to a solid? if so you can copy the outer surfaces, and close the quilt with a new surface, effectively removing the shell.
Thank you guys for your ideas.
I just wanted post what I ended up doing. It turned out to be a good solution for my situation. I didn't metion that I was working with family tabled parts.

  1. <LI>First I created a new part.</LI>
    <LI>Imerged original part (Insert > Insert Shared Data > Merge From Other Model) using Coord Sys.</LI>
    <LI>Created Shell (Insert > Shell)</LI>
    <LI>I merged original part again.</LI>
    <LI>Created Family table. Added both merged parts on table.</LI>


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