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fill area from imported geo


New member
Hi guys,

I need an helpon how to fill the rectangular area from imported geo (and get rid of the junk radius on the left border, see jpeg). I would like the surface to be nice (at least C1). I tried boundary and style but it seems none works fine . Maybe you can do better. You candelite the radius on the four corners, i don't care. Thanks in advance

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View attachment 2687
Thanks DB,

But I do not thinkyou reached the tangency with the surrounding surfaces. I need to have one regular surface on top (merged with the rest)


You have an option to make the surfaces tangent cont in the BB feature.Just click on the constrains in the dash bord and change free to tangent.


Deepak Bhat
Actually, I can't make it. When I change constraints the surfaces disappear


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