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FINALLY my first part


New member
Thanks to EVERYONE'S help. I finally have a part made. Granted i had to do it different than the book said to, but it still came out great. All i did was set the dimensions to half of what they were supposed to be for the revolved protrusion.,

View attachment 4804
In a revolve, if you create a dim by clicking on the entity, the center line, the entity again and then middle mouse to place it, you'll get the diameter.
Im pretty stocked that i made that part. Though it took me 6 hours. GRRR

I also learned that if i choose my sketch plane as FRONT and the ref as RIGHT and the orintation as RIGHT. it is exactaly the same veiw as FRONT TOP TOP.
dr_gallup said:
I'll bet you could do it again in 15 minutes.

yeah for sure. i made that base part maybe 13 times before i finally got it right. This weeks leasson is insane, i havew to make 8 parts including a turbo charger...
jsantangelo said:
LT72884 said:
This weeks leasson is insane, i havew to make 8 parts including a turbo charger...

Check out Leo Green's Tutorial videos. He does a turbo fan in one of them. Lots to learn from his stuff.

NICE, thanx dude. SOrry for such a LATE reply. Finals are very very soon so i have had math test after math test and all my isometric and orthographic hand sketches are due this week so i have been swamped.

I have this forum, sharp tech design, and e cognition as icons on my firefox. haha. thats how much i visit these places.

Here is the turbo fan blade that we had to create.

View attachment 4831
LT72884 - Glad to see that you are making good progress. Just think, soon you will be the one helping others out on this site. Keep up the good work.


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