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Finding assembly info in parts or subs


New member
Is there a command that shows a list of which top level assemblies a part or subassembly is used in?


Not in Pro/E, that is a functionality of a PDM system that sits on top of Pro/E.

PDMLink and Intralink can both show a Where Used report.
You can just do a search in windows explorer. Look for file name *.asm.* and text string equal to the part of sub assy name. Pro/E stores the ascii text of all sub models in the file header.

You can find the drawings too, just search for files named *.drw.*
Thanks Dr. G! We don't have Intralink and never thought we could do this without it. There's one thing though. I tried it on my machine (Windows 2000) and it worked great. But when I told a co-worker that this method works it didn't work (Windows XP). So, after a while of trying to figure out why, we checked out Microsofts help and they have a fix for it. You just have to check it out and change your settings.


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