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finding the empty volume of an assembly


New member
I have an Assembly of an underwater ROV that consists of many parts and sub-assemblies. I need to find out the empty volume inside the hull so I can have an idea of the total amount of foam I could fit in. What would the best/easiest way to do this? I am using WF2. Thanks for the help.

Edited by: JRBURTON
Hey not sure of your geo but one thing you can do is in the individula parts you can change your selection filter to geometry and select one of the interior surfaces of the solid part, do a copy and paste and select the remaining interior surfaces to form a closed surface. You can them solidify this surface and get the volume of it.

Is a simple way but effective. If your still tweaking your design then there are ways do automate the total volume once its setup.

It would also depend on your geometry, as there are a few other ways this could be done.
I do that with Top Down Design.offset a surface in the master part and copy that to a new part to solidify. use mas props to convert to oz

Do that all the time with bottle design.
Edited by: design-engine
I agree with Bart

I just make a part offset from the interior and use Mass to calulate my volumes for our filter designs

