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Fire or Hard Hat - CAD File


Hi there,
I'm about to start work on the design and construction of a Fire Helmet.

Whilst I'm relatively proficient at surface modeling, I was just wondering if anyone out there has completed a Pro Eng model for either a hard hat or a fire helmet and would be willing to share the file with me, so that I can get a few starting points for my model construction etc.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
I am running Pro Engineer WF 5.0
I suppose a fire hat and a hard hat do primarily the same function with one difference. The hard hat does not have to repel potentially torrents of water spraying down from a hose dowsing fire.

Both do have structural elements or ribs. both might be made of fire retardant material... urea would be my choice material. mouldable yet hard.

I would start with sketches from the side and plan.Next I would go with a four part boundary and trim it back to a toupee. ill try to dig up a racing helmet for reference.
Edited by: design-engine
Hi there,

Thanks for the response...

Urea is one of the plastics I am considering, some of the samples I have are also constructed using fiber glass, but the quality isn't quite there. Ribbing seems to be minimal on most of the samples, many use a crowned deformation and thicker wall sections which also double as flow leaders.

I also plan on incorporating a clear poly-carb visor - very VERY hard to mould. But I have a sample of a visor that has been tooled wonderfully. Cristal clear - probably terribly expensive to be made and a tooling setup nightmare! : ) I have never seen poly-carb as clear as this actually...I suspect an additive has been added to the ploy, so will do some more digging.

Four part boundary sounds about right yeah - to be honest its been a while since I have battled anything that requires a toupee style appraoch (3 sided surfaces etc), so a refresher would be great. I know there are plenty of links on here to such details, but having a crash helmet or the like would be IDEAL!

Thanks again Bart, any help you can be would be very much appreciated. I can supply you with an email address if you do not wish to post CAD files on a public forum.


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