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First Component, No Definition


New member
I am working with an assembly that was likely modeled on a version of Pro preceding WF4 and by an unknown designer/engineer. We have some pretty complex models and sometimes it is easier to just copy them and make small modifications than to start from scratch. At any rate, The first component in the assembly seems like it is lacking a definition. When I attempt to right click and look for the "edit definition" option in the menu it is missing along with "edit references" and "make flexible" options. This leads me to believe the component has no placement constraints, but it also doesn't have the small black box in the tree indicating an under-constrained part. Has anybody had a similar problem? Is there an explanation?

I am currently using WF4 to try and edit this assembly, but like I said, I have no idea what version is was created in or what it's history looks like.

Does this first component precede and other component features (CSYS, Datum planes, etc.)? I think in the past if you had a empty assy and added a part to it Pro/E just stuck it in there in some default orientation. try adding a CSYS or set of default datums and then reordering the part after them. I think you will be able to redefine it them.
You are correct, there wasn't a default CSYS nor were there any of the default datums. I did try adding the CSYS with insert>model datum>default coordinate system and then I built the 3 default planes and re-ordered the whole thing before the component. Unfortunately it didn't help, there is still no edit definition option available. Maybe it is just the result of there being no default csys at the time of original assembly?
I just created a new empty assy and added a part. It went right in with no constraints but of course no redefine either.. I added an assembly CSYS but I could not reorder it before the part.

I think about the only thing you can do is start a new assy from your template with CSYS, datums, etc. then copy the rest of your old assy into it.
Suppress all parts in the assembly and then create a coordinate system and datum planes. Then resume the parts and reorder as needed.
Is the assembly stable? Why not just leave well enough alone? How are the other parts assembled? I'm guessing they reference the first component since there are no csys or datums. It might not be "proper", but if it works, what's wrong with that?
Suppress all parts in the assembly and then create a coordinate system and datum planes. Then resume the parts and reorder as needed.

He already tried that, see his second post.

It may be possible that the part was constrained in another assembly (top down).

