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First feature


New member
does any body know how to get a feature to be labeled as "FIRST
FEATURE"? I have noticed when I create a model using a start part, the
base shape is label in the INFO as "FIRST FEATURE". I need to use a
different base shape now and when I do the first extrusion I create is
not label as FIRST FEATURE and on top of that the model will not
translate in are software. I think it might have something to do with
this. Does anybody know what I'm talking about. Thanks
That was in 2001 release. In 2001 you've had a choice to create the part with first feature when creating it in assembly.

In WF first feature isn'tavailable anymore, at least I'm not aware of it.
I found it in wildfire 2.0. when you start a new part you uncheck "use
default template" then start a extrusion then right click on the
graphics screen and choose Use Internal Sketch. Sketch what ever and
when you are done that feature will be labeled First feature.

I never knew this was in ProE. For the life of me I could not
understand how somebody made a extrusion without any datums for the
longest time. Now I know.
Up until about version 17 the default new part had no datums
(data???), if you wanted them you had to specifically create
them. Also if you had a coordinate system
as a first feature, you also HAD to have default datum planes because
you could not dimension to a coordinate system so it was generally
easier to leave the whole lot out and start with a protrusion unless
you couldn't avoid it.

My opinion is; if you don't need them, don't put them in because
they will just be unnecessary baggage. For example, I can't see the
point of having any coordinate system or more than one datum plane (if
any) in most fasteners.

Since v17 you have always had the option of starting parts AND
assemblies WITHOUT datums. Also if you haven't created a subsequent
feature you can simply delete the datums planes and start with a solid
feature in thin air.

However, with a first feature created without datums, you cannot drag
the sketch handles in 3D and you can't Re-Order a useful coordinate
system, datum planes or any other feature before this first feature.

An assembly CAN have a component as the first "feature" with default
placement however in this case it IS possible to Re-Order a coordinate
system, datum planes or another component BEFORE the "first" component
and redefine the placement of the old first member to reference the new first member if


I would not recommend that anyone use the "use default template"
without defining the "template_solidpart" series of configuration
options as the default PTC start models will not be a match to your

Edited by: Dell_Boy

