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fixed parts and parametric parts


New member
I am creating a parametric model with fixed parts that I created thru the program.Can I program the modelso that whena userpulls up a fixed partthey can regenerate the fixed part toexpand the model (it's slotted)to a specific dimension?? (Right now, when I instantiated each fixed part it put in the dimension that I input thru the parametric model. But in order to change it I have to go into the family table)



I am not able to understand the problem properly could you please add some pics to explain it better.

if you are trying to change the dimension of a component which is dependend on the other components position then you can use the analysis feature to do that.

I am not sure whetherthis tipwill help you.


Deepak Bhat
Edited by: deepakbhat_nie
I'm unable to show any drawings, but I'll explain what I'm trying to do. I have two brackets that are bolted together, one of the brackets has a slot and the other has a hole where they are assembled with a bolt. Because I have a slot the the assembled part will be able to meet a range of dimensions.a minimum and maximum range.

I created a parametric model of the two assembled brackets, with the programming I regenerated to the specific details, where I instantiated and created the family table, now I have a parametric model with fixed instances in the family table. I would like the user to be able to pull up one of the family table instances (which are fixed parts) and regen to either a minimum, maximum or anywhere in between. Right now, since each instance is a fixed part there is no regen required, what you see is what you get, but I want the user to be able to regen the instances to where they can have the fixed parts move to the minimum, maximum or anyhwere in between.

I hope this helps.
Uh I have read more times your post, but still I'm not sure of your situation. Let see if I get this right:

You have 2 models of bracket, one with hole, one with slot. Then you created assembly with this 2 models assembled in it (as you said parametric model > all models in ProE are parametric!).
By programing you mean writing relations and Pro/Program in asm with this 2 brackets?
Then you created family table of this asm with 2 brackets?
Now what you mean by Fixed instances??

Also what must be regenerated between min and max? whole part? > which part?dimension of slot? or whole asm?

If you could elaborate a bit more with details of what part must be in family table, what must be variated between min and max, we could be more helpfully
Can you create an additional "test fit" assembly that calls the parts that were created and instantiated by the first assembly? That way you wouldn't have to worry about pro/e trying to recalculate everything it would just be assembling two instances of a model and varying one dimension that can vary.

